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坐船的英文:take a boat、by water take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。


by ship 英[bai ip] 美[ba p][词典] 乘船;[例句]We went by ship over to America.我们搭轮船去美国。

Im terrified of flying Id rather go by sea.坐船英语怎么写 by ship 乘船用英语怎么写 乘船: by water embarkation embark Relative explainations:Examples: 我们乘船经水路去旅行。


1、乘船的英文短语 篇1 During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany. 暑期他们乘船到更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼游览。

2、乘船的英文 boat by ship embark by water boat常见用法 n.小船,小艇; 轮船;vi.乘船,划船;vt.用船运输; 用船装运; Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car.驾船和开车不是一回事。

3、take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

4、对应的英语:take a boat.go by ship.例如:1) You have to take a boat to go to the island.2) She will visit Dalian by ship.乘船 翻译短语 (英文)您的问题很简单。呵呵。

5、boating作名词时意思为划船,帆船运动,乘游艇,乘船出游,荡舟。作动词时意为划船。短语搭配:boating infractions 划船游乐方面的违规。Boating outfits 划船用服装。Boating footwear 划船用鞋。Boating Lake 泛舟湖,划船湖。


划船的英文短语篇1 They call rowing the perfect sport. It exercises every major muscle group.他们称划船是最佳运动,它可以锻炼每一处主要肌肉群。

划船的英文说法2 :go boating 划船的英文例句: You can go boating or play tennis.你可以去划船或者打网球。

划船的英文表达形式有很多种,比如可以采用boating, row, rowed, rowing, scull等词,还可以使用词组have a pull。

rowing 或者 boating 例句:划船把我送到对岸去吧。Row me across (the river).我们逆水划船。We were rowing against the current.你愿意和我们一起划船吗?Will you join us in rowing?他划船渡过湖面。

划船的英语主要有以下几个词汇:Rowing - 指使用划桨的动作进行划船。例如:I enjoy rowing on the lake in the early morning.Sculling - 指使用两只划桨分别放在左右手边进行划船。


1、坐船的英文:take a boat、by water take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

2、by ship 英[bai ip] 美[ba p][词典] 乘船;[例句]We went by ship over to America.我们搭轮船去美国。

3、Im terrified of flying Id rather go by sea.坐船英语怎么写 by ship 乘船用英语怎么写 乘船: by water embarkation embark Relative explainations:Examples: 我们乘船经水路去旅行。

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