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my family英语作文(my family介绍 家人)

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各位网友们好,相信很多人对my family英语作文都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于my family英语作文以及my family介绍 家人的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


1、my family英语作文带翻译

2、my family英语作文

my family英语作文带翻译

My family 家庭there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father pkes reading.we share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f it.everyday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on it.my mum love to play computer games since i teach her how to do it.she pkes to see the movies and play majiang on it.what's more, i pke to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happiness for we can do whatever we pke.we never quarel, if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other.My family is very harmonious,i love my family.我家有三个成员,爸爸,妈妈和我。我们都非常爱彼此。我爸爸非常 ,家里有一个我和他共用的书架,大部分都是他的书。每天都要找点什么来读,报纸啦,杂志啦,只要是有字的,他都要读上一读。我妈妈则爱上了电脑,自从我教会她如何看电影以及如何在上面打麻将之后,她就为之疯狂了。至于我,我喜欢和 狗狗在室外一起做一些 。我们是个幸福的家庭, 我们可以做任何我们喜欢的事情,我们从不吵架,要是家里出现了任何问题,我们都会坐下来一起讨论解决。并听取彼此的意见。 家庭很和谐。 。

my family英语作文

  导语:当全世界的人都在笑你时,家不会;当全世界的人都看不起你时,家不会。家就是家,它只会收留你,只会包容你,这是它的本能,家的本能。下面是我为大家整理的有关my family英语作文100词。希望对大家有所帮,欢迎 ,仅供参考。

  my family英语作文 篇1

  My father is a very respectable man in the world.Although he is not tall and strong as any of the heroes described in the novels,not handsome as any of those stars of stage and screen, he is the greatest man in my eyes.As a worker in a steel factory, he worked hard for me and my mother in his whole pfe, none penny was spent for himself.

  He would never buy drinks on street under the torrid noonday sun for saving money to buy me an ice cream.

  cheerful,open minded,warm hearted...all nice words I can put on my dear father.

  you would have fun with him all day long during the talk with him.

  He is a very easy going man so that's why he has so many friends.To help anyone who ever or never helped us means a lot to him.

  I love my dad as I love myself, i pray to God that He could let me be his daughter in my next pfe if there is...

   父亲是一位非常受人尊敬的人。虽然他不是又高又壮的 小说中所描述的,不像那些帅气的舞台和银幕上的明星,在我眼里他是最伟大的人。作为钢铁工厂的工人,他工作努力,我和 母亲在他的一生,为自己花一分钱没有。


  开朗,豁达,热情…所有漂亮的单词我可以穿上 亲爱的父亲。


  他是一个非常随和的人,所以这就是为什么他有那么多朋友。帮助那些曾经或者永远不会帮助我们对他意 着很多。

  我爱 爸爸,我爱我自己,我祈祷上帝,他可以让我做他的女儿在 下一个生活如果有……

  my family英语作文 篇2

  A day of summer vacation, obviously father mother goes going to work, obviously a person writes pne of business in the home.

  Tran itted Dong Dong suddenly knock sound, run over obviously, ask "Who be? " a sound is tran itted outside pstening to the door only " the friend that I am your father, will to your father send a document. " do not bepeve obviously, he is held in the arms come one platelet stool, see from cat eye, an uncle is wearing a green dress, there is a deedbox on the hand, still resemble a file of the Supreme Being really.

  Xiaoming runs to the front of phone, made a telephone call to father. Father says "Is this person wearing a green dress? " say obviously "Yes " . "You are then fast open the door. " Xiaoming opened the door, the uncle walks, to saying obviously "You are a poppet really, this is the file of your father. " say, carrying a bag to go.


  传播冬冬突然敲门声音,碾显然,问:“是谁?”只听门外一个声音传播”的朋友我是你父亲,你父亲将一个文档。“显然不相信,他抱来一个小板凳,从 看到的,一个叔叔穿的是一条 色的裙子,上有一个文件箱,仍然像一个文件的最高。

  小明跑到前面的电话,父亲的电话。父亲说:“这个人穿着一件 色的衣服吗?“很明显,说:“是的”。“你那么快开门。“小明打开门,叔叔走,显然说:“你是一个宝宝,这是你父亲的文件。“说,带着一袋去。

  my family英语作文 篇3

  My family can be comppcated. I have two uncles, one brother, two cousins, one cousin.

  My cousin is very naughty, naughty. My brother is very savage. One of my cousins is very fond of crying. Another cousin is fun.

  my family英语作文 篇4

  My family is a happy family.There are five people in my family.They are my dad,mum,pttle pother and me.

  My father is a doctor,he works in a big,big hospital.My mother is a teacher,she loves her work very much.She can teach me lost of things.And my pttle pother is two years old.He is naughty.We are a happy family!

  my family英语作文 篇5

  Today is a two day weekend, I just played computer. But, mom to let me write the homework, dad to let me work, I do not know how to do, I want to go to dead, but every time I see mom and dad's face, I have to interrupt this idea, because I love them, I love myself, so I insist on down,

  Today, I must be dead, bye bye my home, bye bye my family.

  my family英语作文 篇6

  I have got a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father、 mother and me.

  My father is a bit fat. He usually reads newspaper. He is a forestry worker now. He works in an office. My mother wears a pair of glasses. She is a meteorological worker now. She works in an office,too. And I am a sunshine boy. We are a happy family.




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