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1、坐船的英文:take a boat、by water take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。


2、by ship 英[bai ip] 美[ba p][词典] 乘船;[例句]We went by ship over to America.我们搭轮船去美国。

3、Im terrified of flying Id rather go by sea.坐船英语怎么写 by ship 乘船用英语怎么写 乘船: by water embarkation embark Relative explainations:Examples: 我们乘船经水路去旅行。


1、去年我来过这里。I had been here last year.-你为什么喜欢英语?Why do you like English?-因为我喜欢英语的小说、英语的游戏、英语的歌曲。

2、The article is about the worlds pollution。He can do that he has done to help the poor。Mom will not let me online。We have gradually realize the importance of English。

3、冤念。 Grievances (参考的金山词霸)神秘面纱的一角。 Tip of the iceberg (参考的金山词霸)在这个深邃难解的命运纠缠里。 In this abstruse entanglement of fate.何去何从。

4、马克吐温显然是一位与众不同的作家。Obviously, Mark Twain is an outstanding writer.它令人尴尬的样子,让他自己很尴尬。


坐船的英文:take a boat、by water take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

by ship 英[bai ip] 美[ba p][词典] 乘船;[例句]We went by ship over to America.我们搭轮船去美国。

take a boat/ship 动词形式,如果是乘船到某地之类的,可以说 by boat/ship 或 by water/sea 。


1、坐船的英文:take a boat、by water take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

2、by ship 英[bai ip] 美[ba p][词典] 乘船;[例句]We went by ship over to America.我们搭轮船去美国。

3、Im terrified of flying Id rather go by sea.坐船英语怎么写 by ship 乘船用英语怎么写 乘船: by water embarkation embark Relative explainations:Examples: 我们乘船经水路去旅行。

4、take a boat/ship 动词形式,如果是乘船到某地之类的,可以说 by boat/ship 或 by water/sea 。

5、坐船用英语怎么造句,急!英语是:by ship 或 take a boat 又或 by water (与 by air 同一样性质)都可以。很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。

关于他们必须坐船去学校的英文和他们坐船英语的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。ylhbao.com




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