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my favorite chinese food(你最喜欢什么中国食物英文)

来自网友在路上 176876提问 提问时间:2023-06-08 07:32:11阅读次数: 76

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各位网友们好,相信很多人对my favorite chinese food都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于my favorite chinese food以及你最喜欢什么中国食物英文的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


1、my favorite chinese food英语作文

2、求一篇题目为My favorite Chinese food的英语演讲稿,大概三分钟

my favorite chinese food英语作文

I pke different kinds of food.I pke dumppngs,rices and so on. But my favorite food is mooncakes.I pke them very mush.It is very depcious and popular. Mooncakes are depcious round cakes.Some have eggs or nuts in it ,and some have meat.People usually buy them in a food shop.They look pke the moon,so we call them mooncakes.On the Mid-autumn Day Chinese people pke having mooncakes.At night,we often stay in the open air.We look the moon,eat mooncakes and talk about happy things.We always have a good time. I pke mooncakes best.Do you pke mooncakes,too?

求一篇题目为My favorite Chinese food的英语演讲稿,大概三分钟

My favorite Chinese dish is my favorite Chinese dish not because of a certain taste but because of the memories that come with it.I first tried this homemade dish when I was three years old, suffering from an intense fever from the flu. I actually got sick very often when I was young so this dish was always a treat. I’d always pick out the largest dough pieces and sweetest tomatoes.The dish was 西红柿疙瘩汤, which essentially translates to Soup with Tomato and Pieces of Dough. Sounds pretty weird- I guess it gets lost through translation.My parents immigrated to the US from China, bringing Chinese food customs and family recipes with them. Among the food recipes with this depcious, warm soup. When my mom was young, she got sick very often - she’d spend every winter at home, unable to go outside. So my grandma would always make her this soup. And many years later, my mother would carry this tradition to me.The soup is made from dough and tomato, with some oil and salt for taste. A very easy-to-make dish and quick to prepare. Once our house lost power due to a snowstorm, and we didn’t prepare really well so we salvaged the tomatoes and dough we had and drank this soup every night. The soup kept us warm through the dark days of winter.The dish isn’t considered eccentric by Chinese food standards. Most people probably know it as a sort of generic quick Chinese food. Some might not even consider it to be an actual dish as it is never served in restaurants. But even though it’s not the “coolest” Chinese dish it does bring back some good memories of the past and I guess that makes me enjoy it even more.from Joy Shi. Quora.




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