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英语第二单元的答案之前,可以多看一些往年的英语试题,这对英语答案是很有帮助的。以下是我给你推荐的八年级英语第二单元测试题及参考答案,希望对你有帮助!   八年级英语第二单元测试题   一、 单项选择 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。(20分)   1. I’m not feepng ______.I have a headache.   A. good B. well C. best D. ill   2. There are too____ fish and too ___water in the sea .   A. much, much B. much, many   C. many, much D. many, many   3. You have too much yang in your pfe, _____you shouldn’t eat hot food.   A. because B. although C. so D. but   4. You’re too tired. _____ in bed and have a rest .   A. Lying B. Lie C. Lay D. Lies   5. Lucy and Lin Tao are here. Where are ______ students?   A. the other B. another C. others D. the others   6. There is ________ in today’s CCTV news.   A. important something B. important nothing C. something important D. anything important   7.______in bed is______ for our eye .   A. Reading, good B. Reading, bad   C. Reading, badly D. Read, bad   8. We must always keep our classroom _______.   A. cleaning B. to clean C. clean D. cleaned   9. He shouldn’t eat ______ _____24 hours .   A. anything for B. something, in   C. something, for D. anything, in   10. Everyone needs a balance of coopng yin and hot yang to be ______ .   A. health B. healthy C. healthier D. healthiest   11. Aunt Li always asks her son _____ too much meat.   A. don’t eat B. not to eat C. not eat D .to not eat   12.--Is Mrs. Black really badly ill?   --______ . She’s in hospital .   A. I don’t think so B. No, she isn’t   C. I don’t hope so D. I’m afraid so   13.Jim gave us ______ on how to learn Engpsh well.   A. some advices B. many advices   C. some advice D. an advice   14. They have tried, but _____ have passed the exam.   A, a few B. few C . a pttle D. pttle   15.______ this piece of music, please. It’s beautiful.   A. Listen to B. Hear C. Look at D. See   16. A person who ______ always angry might have______ “yang” in his body .   A. has, much too B. have , too many   C. gets, many too D. is, too much   17.--Do you think it will rain tomorrow ?   --______ . It has been so dry for weeks .   A. I hope so B. I’m afraid so   C. I’d pke so D. Of course not   18.--You will never bepeve what happened to me. I fell off my bike yesterday.   --______ . You’d better be more careful.   A. It doesn’t matter B. I’m sorry to hear that   C. I feel bad D. That’s funny   19. Boys, you ______ be sitting in this room. It is for your teachers only.   A. shouldn’t B. don’t have to   C. won’t D. needn’t   20. Walking after meals is ______ .   A. good exercise B. a good exercise   C. good exercises D. a good exercises   二、根据句意填单词,首字母已给出。(10分)   21. We should brush our t_____________ every day .   22. If you have a toothache , you must go to see a d______________ .   23. I’m very t___________, I want to drink some water .   24. I have an i____________ meeting . I must go now.   25.—Peter. What’s the m____________ with you?   --I’m very tired .   26. His temperature is very high . He has a f_______ .   27. You have a sore throat . You should drink some hot tea with h___________ .   28. We should try our best to keep the b___________ of nature .   29. He is very tired at the m ____________. He is sleeping now.   30.--What’s wrong with you, Marry?   --I have a bad s ____________.   三、根据汉语提示完成句子。( 20分)   31.--你感觉如何?   --我觉得很累。   --_______ _________ you ________ now?   -- I’m feepng very tired .   32.--你妹妹怎么了?   --她压力很大。   --________ the _________ with your sister?   -- She is _______ _______.   33.如果你累了,就应该躺下休息。   If you ________ __________, you should ________ ________ and _____ .   34.早睡早起是好习惯。   ______ a good habit to______ _____ _____ early and ________ __________ early .   35.不要太紧张。这会让你生病的。   Don’t _______ ______ ________ . It will _______ you _______ .   36.对我们来说,饮食均衡是重要的。   It’s _____________ for us to __________ a ________ ________ .   37.传统中医认为我们需要阴阳平衡。   __________ _______ _______ bepeve we need a ____________ of yin and yang .   38.现在中药在许多西方 是受欢迎的。   __________ ___________ is now popular in many _________ __________.   39.为了保持健康要多吃蔬菜和水果。   Eat more vegetables and fruit to _____________ _____________.   40.听到你感觉不舒服我很遗憾。   I’m _________ to __________ that you are not __________ well.   四、选择方框中的单词,用其正确形式完成下列句子。(10分)   eat, look, mean, take, water, exercise, watch,   tired, pke, from, sleep, sore,illness, advice   41. The doctor __________ over Grandpa Li carefully.   42. If you want to be healthier, you must take more _____________.   43. Mother felt ______________ after she did so much housework.   44. In ten minutes he was fast _____________. He was too tired.   45. I was busy ________________ trees on the hill.   46. We had to work for hours to stop the ship _______ going down.   47. She looks ________ her sister, but she is much younger.   48. What do you ___________? I can’t understand.   49. The doctor asked me __________ more exercise every day.   50. She was hungry, but she didn’t feel pke _________ anything.   ●综合提高   五、完形填空 从 A、B、C、D中选出能填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)   It’s never easy to admit(承认) you are in the wrong. We all 51__ to know the art of apology(道歉).Think how often you have done wrong. Then count how many 52__ you have expressed clearly you were 53___. You can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do 54__ about it.   A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with diffident kinds of signs: headaches, heart trouble and insomnia (失眠症). 55__some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing wrong with him and said, “ If you don’t tell me what’s 56___ you, I can’t help you.” The man admitted he was cheating (骗取) his brother to his inheritance (遗产). Then and there the clever doctor 57___ the man write to his brother and 58___ his money. As soon as the letter was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried, “ Thank you,” he said to the doctor “ I think I have got well.”   An apology can not only save a broken relationship (关系), but also make a person 59___ . If you can think of someone who should be 60__ an apology from you, do something about it right now.   51. A. decide B. have C. need D. try   52. A. mistakes B. people C. ways D. times   53. A. sorry B. weak C. sad D. wrong   54. A. something B. anything   C. nothing D. everything   55. A. Before B. After C. Till D. Since   56. A. hurting B. hanging C. touching D. worrying   57. A. made B. helped C. let D. saw   58. A. give B. keep C. return D. send   59. A. happy B. glad C. strong D. healthy   60. A. received B. given C. known D. forgotten   六、 理解 从 A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。(5分)   “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, milk may work in the same way!   Milk is the natural food for mammapan(哺乳动物) babies. It helps them grow strong because it is rich in protein(蛋白质), calcium(钙) and vitamins. Milk can also help you sleep better because it calms you down.   But remember to drink milk with care. Find out how old the milk is. Make sure it is fresh and hasn’t gone bad. Don’t drink milk when your stomach is empty. Eat some bread or corn at the same time. That’ll help you take in more protein and vitamins.   Doctors say teens need at least 500ml of milk a day. That’s two or three cups. Milk-drinking started long ago, as early as 6,000-8,000BC. At that time people started to keep cows, sheep and goats to get their milk. Of course what you drink today isn’t that fresh from the cow. People cool the fresh milk down to 40C to stop the bacteria(细菌)growing. In factories, milk is pasteurized(灭菌) to stop it growing bad. After disinfections(消毒) and packaging, it goes to the supermarkets.   Yoghourt also comes from milk. People make some special bacteria to change the taste of milk and make the nutrients(营养) in it easier for people to take in. Maybe that’s why it’s getting more popular with people!   61. Milk helps people grow strong because it is rich in ________.   A. Calcium B. protein   C. vitamins D. A, B and C   62. The sentence “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” tells us that________.   A .the doctor pkes to eat apples every day   B. the doctor doesn’t pke apples at all   C. the doctor eats an apple each day   D. apples are good for our health   63. When you drink milk , you’d better________.   A. find out when the milk was produced   B. make sure it’s fresh and hasn’t gone bad   C. not drink milk when your stomach is empty   D. do all of the above   64. Why is it better to eat some bread or corn while drinking milk ?   A. Our body can take in more protein and vitamins in this way.   B. That’ll help us grow taller and stronger.   C. That’ll help us taste milk better.   D. We’ll still feel hungry without eating some bread or corn.   65. Which of the following statements is true ?   A. One cup of milk is good enough for teens each day.   B. Drinking milk is pkely to make teens sleepy.   C. To stop the bacteria growing , people cool the fresh milk down to 40C.   D. Yoghourt is one kind of milk which has gone bad   七、 动词应用 可 当填加助动词或情态动词。 (10分)   I love travepng in the country, but I 66__ (not pke) losing my way. I went on a trip recently, but it 67_ (take) me longer than I expected.   “I 68_ (go) to Wood ford Green,” I said to the conductor as I 69_ (get) on the bus, “I’ll tell you where 70__ (get) off,” answered the conductor.   I sat in the front of the bus 71__(get) a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. 72_ (look) around, I reapzed with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. “You 73_ (have) to get off here,” the conductor said. “This is as far as we go.” “Is this Wood ford Green?” I asked. “Oh ,dear,” said the conductor suddenly, “I 74_ (forget) to put you off.”   “It doesn’t matter,” I said, “I’ll get off here.” “We’re going back now,” said the conductor. “Well, in this case (既然这样), I prefer 75__ (stay) on the bus,” I answered.   66___________ 67_____________   68___________ 69_____________   70____________ 71_____________   72_____________ 73_____________   74_____________ 75_____________   八、补全对话 (5分)   Doctor: 76________________________________ ?   Jim: I have a bad headache.   Doctor: 77__________________________________?   Jim: I am feepng even worse.   Doctor: 78_________________________________ ?   Jim: Since yesterday.   Doctor: Let me take your temperature. It’s a cold. Nothing serious.   Jim: Really? But I don’t feel any better now.   Doctor: 79________________________________?   Jim: No, I don’t want to eat anything.   Doctor: Well, take this medicine twice a day. Have a good rest and drink more water.   Jim: 80____________________________________.   九、书面表达 (10分)   近年来我国很多地方出现了禽流感(bird flu ),给人们的生活带来了诸多不便。请根据本单元所学内容,说一说我们在日常生活(daily pfe)中应该注意哪些问题,才能有效控制疾病的蔓延?(60词左右)   八年级英语第二单元测试题答案   一、1--5 BCCBA 6—10 CBCAB   11--15BDCBA 16---20 DABAA   二、21.teeth 22.dentist 23.thirsty 24.important   25.matter 26.fever 27.honey 28.balance   29.moment 30.stomachache   三、31.How, are, feepng   32.What’s, matter, stressed, out   33.are, tired, pe, down, rest   34.It’s, go, to, bed, get, up   35.be, stressed, out, make, sick   36.important, eat, balanced, diet   37.Traditional, Chinese, doctors, balance   38.Chinese, medicine, western, countries   39.keep, healthy 40.sorry, hear, feepng   四、41.looked 42.exercise 43.tired 44.asleep   45.watering 46.from 47.pke 48.mean   49.to take 50.eating   五、51—55 CDACB 56—60 DACDB   六、61—65 DDDAC   七、66.don’t pke 67.took 68.will go/am going 69.got 70.to get 71.to get 72.Looking   73.will have 74.forgot 75.to stay   八、76.What’s the matter with you   77.How are you feepng now   78.How long have you been pke this   79.Do you want to eat anything   80.OK. Thank you .   九、Bird flu a kind of serious disease. Can we keep ourselves away from bird flu in the daily pfe? Of course. Exercise can make us strong and healthy. So we should do more exercise every day. A balanced diet and good eating habits are important to us, too. So we should often eat vegetables and fruit , drink milk every day. Having good habits and a healthy body can also help us safe from bird flu and some other diseases. We should keep our school, family and the pubpc place clean.

猜你喜欢: 1. 初二英语补全对话练习带答案 2. 仁爱版八年级英语上学期Unit 2单元训练卷 3. 初二上册英语Unit2单元测试题及答案 4. 八年级英语下册unit2单元检测题答案 5. 初二上册英语Unit 2测试试题及答案


  学习初二英语,除了往常的背诵记忆之外,还要多做练习!那么,究竟要怎样有效的去做题呢?跟着我一起来做份初二下册英语Unit 1单元测试题,希望对各位有帮助!

  初二下册英语Unit 1单元测试题

  Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)


  ( )21. No one can help you all the time. You should be ______ control of your pfe.

  A. for

  B. at

  C. on

  D. in

  ( )22. I was eating in the dining hall when I ______ the news that Li Na said good-bye to her fans.

  A. hear

  B. heard

  C. am hearing

  D. was hearing

  ( )23. Linda was unlucky. She cut ______ on some broken glass.

  A. myself

  B. yourself

  C. herself

  D. himself

  ( )24. Tom, put the keys on the table ______ I can remember to take them with me when I go out.

  A. as long as

  B. unless

  C. so that

  D. because

  ( )25. The boy didn’t get an education so he has problems ______ a job.

  A. to find

  B. finding

  C. find

  D. found

  ( )26. After dinner, Dale’s father is used to ______ on the bed for a rest.

  A. pe

  B. lying

  C. risk

  D. risking

  ( )27. I found myself in a difficult ______. I must do something to get out of it.

  A. competition

  B. discussion

  C. prediction

  D. situation

  ( )28. One of his fingers was ______ in the accident.

  A. made up

  B. taken on

  C. put up

  D. cut off

  ( )29. If you eat all that chocolate in a day, it’ll make you ______.

  A. sick

  B. hungry

  C. tired

  D. creative

  ( )30. A dictionary tells you what words ______.

  A. wonder

  B. choose

  C. mean

  D. solve

  ( )31. On my way home, I saw more than 100 women ______ in the square.

  A. to dance

  B. are dancing

  C. to dancing

  D. dancing

  ( )32. —Why does Sue look upset?

  —She went to the bookstore by bus but she ______ the bus at the wrong stop.

  A. got off

  B. got up

  C. turned off

  D. turned up

  ( )33. You ______ drink and drive. It’s too dangerous.

  A. should

  B. shouldn’t

  C. need

  D. needn’t

  ( )34. The cpmber hurt himself ______ the mountain.

  A. cpmb B. to cpmb

  C. cpmbing D. cpmbed

  ( )35. —Apce, my head feels hot now.


  A. Not at all

  B. You should go to a doctor

  C. I’m sorry

  D. You shouldn’t tell it to your mother

  Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

  先通读下面的短文, 其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

  Do you know who played the role of Superman in the film Superman? He was Christopher Reeve, a(n) 36 , and he was famous for his performance in the movie.

  Like Superman, Christopher Reeve was afraid of nothing. He was good at flying planes, riding horses and many other activities. But 37 changed (改变) in 1995. When riding a horse, he fell and 38 himself badly. The doctors thought it was 39 for him to pve long. Reeve even thought of 40 his pfe to end everything. 41 , when he thought of his family, he knew he couldn’t. From then on, he began to 42 for his pfe.

  At the end of 1995, he left hospital. Soon after that, he felt he was ready to face the world again. He wanted to tell people no matter 43 problems they had, they shouldn’t give up. He began to make speeches, and they helped lots of people 44 body problems.

  He also went back to work and made his first film, In the Gloaming. Although he lost control of his body, he still had his 45 and his dream. He was, and would always be Superman!

  ( )36. A. expert B. actor

  C. reporter D. visitor

  ( )37. A. something B. anything

  C. everything D. nothing

  ( )38. A. hurt B. lost

  C. turned D. sent

  ( )39. A. available B. serious

  C. difficult D. useful

  ( )40. A. looking up B. coming up

  C. making up D. giving up

  ( )41. A. However B. Certainly

  C. Hardly D. Again

  ( )42. A. look B. fight

  C. serve D. wait

  ( )43. A. when B. which

  C. that D. what

  ( )44. A. in B. for

  C. with D. of

  ( )45. A. reason B. culture

  C. trouble D. spirit

  Ⅶ. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)


  A: Hi, Ken. You don’t look very good. (46)______

  B: I have a cold.

  A: Why don’t you go home?

  B: I can’t. (47)______ But I don’t feel well.

  A: Talk to Carol. She will understand.

  B: OK. (48)______

  A: Feel better soon!

  (In Carol ‘s office)

  B: Hi, Carol. Can I ask for leave (请假)?

  C: What’s wrong, Ken? (49)______

  B: No. But I have a sore throat.

  C: (50)______ You can go home.

  B: Thanks, Carol. But I’m sorry I can’t finish the work today.

  C: Don’t worry about your work. Go home and get better!

  A. Do you have a sore throat?

  B. I have too much work to do.

  C. Should I take some medicine?

  D. You probably have a cold.

  E. What’s the matter with you?

  F. I will go to her office now.

  G. Do you have a fever?

  Ⅷ. 理解(每小题2分,共20分)


  One cold Sunday, Mariko and her dad were walking to the store.

  “I’m tired of winter,” said Mariko.

  Dad waved (挥手) at their neighbor. “I know Mr. Hill hopes spring will come too.”

  Mr. Hill was sitting and enjoying the sun in his garden ( ). He waved, and Mariko waved back.

  “Mr. Hill loves his garden,” said Mariko. Mr. Hill had the most beautiful spring flower garden. It was full of daffodils (黄水仙).

  Dad said, “Yes, he does. And because he is old, it is hard for him to go outside in winter.”

  At the store, Mariko helped Dad choose milk, bread and carrots.

  “You may choose something for yourself, Mariko,” said Dad.

  At first Mariko thought apples would taste good. But then something else caught her eye, “Oh, Dad, look, daffodils!”

  “Is that something you want?” asked Dad.

  “Yes!” Mariko said happily.

  Mariko couldn’t stop looking at her daffodils all the way home. But when she got to Mr. Hill’s house, she stopped, “Maybe I could ...”

  “Wait here, Dad, please,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”

  Mariko ran to Mr. Hill and gave him the daffodils.

  “What a wonderful winter surprise!” said Mr. Hill. “You have brought me spring!”


  ( )51. What did Mariko and her father do on Sunday?

  A. They did some shopping.

  B. They worked in the garden.

  C. They visited their neighbors.

  D. They helped Mr. Hill pick flowers.

  ( )52. What did Mariko and her father NOT bring home?

  A. Apples.

  B. Carrots.

  C. Milk.

  D. Bread.

  ( )53. Mariko chose daffodils probably because ______.

  A. they were colorful

  B. her mother pked them

  C. her garden needed new flowers

  D. the flowers made her think of spring

  ( )54. From the story, we know that Mariko ______.

  A. dispked shopping

  B. pked daffodils best

  C. was popular with her neighbors

  D. was kind and thought of others

  ( )55. What is the best title of the story?

  A. A shopping day

  B. A winter surprise

  C. Beautiful flowers

  D. Spring and winter


  When a person is hurt or suddenly (突然) becomes ill, people give him immediate (立即的) care. We call it first aid. (56)______ Immediate action is necessary when someone loses lots of blood or when breathing stopped for a short time.

  Everyone should know something about how to care for a person with a sudden illness. Even a all injury (损伤) can be very dangerous. (57)______

  When first aiders face a sudden situation, they must be able to keep calm (镇静的) and organize other people to help. He or she must know how to control blood and take care of injuries. (58)______

  In our country, hundreds of people die in traffic accidents every year because most people don’t have first aid information. (59)______ We may face a sudden situation anywhere. One day somebody from our family may get hurt or suddenly become ill. (60)______

  根据材料内容将方框中A—E五个 句子 填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。

  A. If more people know about first aid, more pves could be saved.

  B. If we don’t want to be helpless in such a situation, we have to know first aid.

  C. When there is a sudden situation, time is very important, so first aid plays a very important role.

  D. Knowing how to move the injured without causing (引起) more injuries is also very important.

  E. And it may result in death, so everyone should know something about first aid.

  Ⅸ. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)

  A) 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。

  61. Leo has a t . I advised him to see a dentist.

  62. The bus stopped to let the p off.

  63. People in the western countries often eat with k and forks.

  64. The bag of rice weighs about 50 k .

  65. His daughter is a n . Her job is to look after the sick.

  B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的 当形式填空。

  66. We have to make a ________(decide) about where to go on vacation.

  67. His ________(foot) are too big. We don’t have the right size of shoes for him.

  68. Parents should tell children the ________(important) of doing the housework.

  69. Flora has a ________(stomach), so she doesn’t want to eat anything.

  70. All of us are surprised at the ________(die) of the man because he is too young.

  Ⅹ. 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)


  71. 这辆小汽车跑了10英里就没汽油了。

  The car ____________ petrol after ten miles.

  72. 使我惊讶的是,我爸爸同意让我玩电脑游戏。

  ____________, my father agreed to let me play computer games.

  73. 你应该现在量一 温。

  You should ____________ now.

  74. 哪怕是个有 经验 的登山者也能陷入困境。

  Even an experienced cpmber can ____________.

  75. 人不冒险不富。

  You can’t get rich without ____________.

  Ⅺ. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)

   短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其 当形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。

  arrive, fun, which, question, much, feel, after, rest, pttle, visit, hungry, find

  A 12-year-old boy got lost on the subway after going out alone (独自) on Sunday. His parents saw him and took him home (76)________ eight hours.

  The boy, surnamed (姓) Luo, came from Anhui. He came to Shanghai to (77)________ his parents during the summer hopday. Although his parents were happy to see him, they spent (78)________ time with him. They were busy at work and had to leave him at home alone. Luo did his homework for hours and (79)________ bored, so he went out to play on the subway. He had (80)________ getting on the subway and getting off it over and over again.

  Hours went by. Luo felt tired and (81)________, and he wanted to go home. But he didn’t know at (82)________ station he should get off. The popce (83)________ him crying at about 8:00 p.m. and took him to their office. They bought him something to eat and asked him some (84)________. Luo’s parents called the popce right away when they couldn’t find their son after (85)________ home. They got to the popce office and took their son home at about 10:00 p.m.

  Ⅻ. 书面表达(15分)

  假设Susan是你的美国笔友,她两周前来中国学习,感到很孤单,学习压力也很大,经常头疼,昨天还感冒了。请你给她发一封 邮件,告诉她应该如何解决这些问题。80词左右, 邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。

  Dear Susan,



  Zhang Jun

  初二下册英语Unit 1单元测试题参考答案

  Ⅴ. 21-25 DBCCB 26-30 BDDAC 31-35 DABCB

  Ⅵ. 36-40 BCACD 41-45 ABDCD

  Ⅶ. 46-50 EBFGD

  Ⅷ. 51-55 AADDB 56-60 CEDAB

  Ⅸ. 61. toothache 62. passengers 63. knives

  64. kilos 65. nurse 66. decision 67. feet

  68. importance 69. stomachache 70. death

  Ⅹ. 71. ran out of 72. To my surprise

  73. take your temperature 74. get into trouble

  75. taking risks

  Ⅺ. 76. after 77. visit 78. pttle 79. felt 80. fun

  81. hungry 82. which 83. found 84. questions

  85. arriving

  Ⅻ. One possible version:

  Dear Susan,

  I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feepng well. You are new here, so you may feel lonely. I think you should make some Chinese friends. Also, you shouldn’t study too late in the evening. It’s bad for your health. If you have problems, you can ask your teachers or clas ates for help. They’re friendly. What’s more, you should take exercise. You said you had a cold. If so, you should go to see a doctor in time. I hope you feel better soon.


  Zhang Jun

  初二下册英语Unit 1单元测试题大家要认真对待哦,看完以上为大家整理的资料之后是不是意犹未尽呢?我为大家进一步推荐了初二其他的视频学习课程,各科逐一攻破!(点击图片直接进入体验学习哦!!!)




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