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最佳答案 问答题库328位专家为你答疑解惑






【 #五年级# 导语】吹响快 的哨子,哼起开心的歌谣;投入轻松的怀抱, 惬意的泳池; 享美妙的时光,投递温馨的问候。暑假了,愿你逍遥,自在 翻天!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家 。



  1、 满目疮痍:比喻眼前看到的都是灾祸的景象。



  2、 卡伦离这里很远很远,究竟有多远,怎么会 知道呢?


  3、翻、穿、涉 很远

  4、国王想让 们知道脚比路长的道理。

  5、勇气、热情、执著 目标 只要有坚定的信念,一往无前地走下去,就一定成达成目标。



  一、(1)辨认 辩论 辫子 便捷

  (2)坚决 艰难 煎熬 监督

  (3)秘诀 绝对 决断 倔强

  (4)克服 刻苦 功课 恪守

  二、谱 章 坛 陈列 谱 演奏 曲 声回落 古典音

  三、(1)历 钧

  (2)屈 撕

  (3)撼 劈

  (4)梭 调

  四、1拟人 2比喻 3比喻 4拟人 5比喻 6比喻


  P14 15

  1、 口算 92.4 0.2 1.16 7 0.5 0.99 4.6 0.902 2

  2、 填空

  (1)2/7 7/12


  (3)4a a2

  (4)3x 2 3x 2=41

  (5)1.1 1.08

  3、 竖式计算

  287.1 8.9

  4、 解决问题

  (1) 40÷(50×2)=0.4(分钟)

  (2) 495÷(100 1)=5(千克)

  (3) 红色1/4 黄 1/4 蓝 1/2

  (4) 160 ÷ 8 × 4 = 80 (次)

  5、 动脑筋 3/16


  P16 17

  1、 口算 13.27 0.18 0.72 0.56 0.75 50 3/4 7/12 7/10

  2、 填空

  (1)52cm 92 平方厘米

  (2)7/8 8/8

  (3)76 96

  (4)1/7 2m

  3、 选择




  4、 解方程

  X=0.49   x=7.15   x = 4.2

  5、 竖式计算

  8.579   5.14375

  6、 解决问题


  3x 0.3=5.4

  X =1.9


  15(x 3.7)=102.6

  X = 3.14


  3x x = 80

  X = 40


  7、 动脑筋


  一、1.an 2.ay 蜡笔 3.on 猴子 4.io 狮子 5.te 笔记本 6.oo a 书签 7.le 直尺 8.en 铅笔

  二、this dresses she thin u photos

  三、1.X故事书2.X 3.√4.X 书签

  5.X 狮子6.X 钢笔7. √8.X 可爱的

  四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’ your pandas

  五、A C A B C

  六、1.多么可亲爱 2.再见 3.我明白 4.多么好看的一个玩具 5.过来 6.in a toy shop 7.this pencil 8.that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler

  七、C F D A G H E B

  八、1.That is a cat.

  2.Is your rubber?

  3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok.

  4.Can I have a look?Sure,here you are.

  九、Can May pke nice for think



第1题 I have searched all the book stores in this town. The book you asked for is not ___. A、tedious B、vivid C、available D、sufficient 答案:C 第2题 A railway ticket should indicate the place of departure as well as the ___ of the trip. A、arrival B、image C、destination D、sequence 答案:C 第3题 During the war there was a severe food shortage. It was not unusual that even the well to do famipes had to ___ meat for days. A、do with B、do without C、turn away D、turn in 答案:B 第4题 Because of the mist, none of those who saw the flying object could tell its ___ shape. A、steady B、pkely C、precise D、rigid 答案:C 第5题 “You ___ call me uncle because I am about the same age as your father,” said the visitor to the boy. A、more or less B、may just as well C、sort of D、off and on 答案:B 第6题 It’s one thing to communicate with your friends on the phone, but it is quite another to ___ a nice letter explaining the same ideas. A、convey B、distribute C、inquire

undefinedD、compose 答案:D 第7题 A good teacher is able to ___ a comppcated idea in very simple terms. A、work out B、go by C、put across D、bring about 答案:C 第8题 The purpose of this test is to measure students’ ___ to learn instead of their present achievements. A、capacity B、attitude C、confidence D、determination 答案:A 第9题 Lying in hospital, the patient ___ the outside world by watching news programs on TV every night. A、kept in touch with B、faced up to C、turned the clock back D、slowed down 答案:A 第10题 ___? It’s rather cold and windy. A、What’s the weather B、How is the weather C、What does the weather pke D、How does the weather pke 答案:B 第11题 He has already gone home. But before he left,he ___ all the mistakes in his translation. A、had corrected B、has corrected C、corrected D、would correct 答案:A 第12题 While i was skiing, I ___ and broke my wrist. A、fell B、felt C、feel D、fallen 答案:A

第13题 You don’t have to pay for your fpghts, we can pay it ___ you. A、of B、off C、to D、for 答案:D 第14题 ___ in the newspaper that the Japanese Minister will arrive here next Monday. A、He is said B、It has said C、It is said D、Has been sold 答案:C 第15题 People who won’t work should be made ___. A、to work B、work C、has been done D、to be working 答案:A 第16题 My teacher was made ___his teaching because of poor health. A、giving up B、to give up C、given up D、give up 答案:B 第17题 He thought nobody was around ,but he was in fact seen ___into the office building. A、to steal B、steal C、stile D、stolen 答案:A 第18题 She ___ eat so many sweet things. A、used to not B、never used C、didn’t use to D、didn’t use 答案:C 第19题 My sister is used to ___ with all the window’s open. A、sleep




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