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想要到美国名校去留学,能力和成绩一样的重要,那么大家知道美国留学的文书应该怎么写吗,下面和我一起来看看美国杜克大学Essay范文。   杜克大学申请范文Essay   College: Duke University   Question: Why do you consider Duke a good match for you?   “Tenting with Internet Access.” This concept epitomizes the balance between academics, athletics and enthusia that I have been seeking in my college experience and which has worked well for me during high school. While the Duke student body is spirited enough to participate in Krzyzewskiville, they are also committed to their academics. It is not sinks and showers they need, but outdoor internet hookups to continue to meet their academic challenges. Duke’s student population—intellectual, involved, and ethnically diverse—is one of the major reasons why the university is a good match for me.   My consideration for choosing Duke includes not only the quapty of my four undergraduate years and clas ates, but also my postgraduate goals. Duke will equip me to become a leader in my field by expanding my set of skills and enabpng me to become involved in pharmaceutical research. With Research Triangle Park close by, I will definitely pursue and internship or a job at what Fortune Magazine described as “the top place in the U.S. to do business.” Duke offers a large number of exciting classes in the field of biology. I am most intrigued by the classes in genetics and cellular biology.   With all that Duke offers its students, I would be very committed to giving back to the community. Having had such learning and service opportunities as the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Program and the Economic Leadership Summer Program at Northwestern University, I feel that I can make a positive impact within the Duke community. I would hope to continue my commitment to disabled children through Pegasus or a similar organization.


想要成功录取到名校,一份优质的美国大学申请文书是必不可少的。美国申请文书写作其实就相当于是一个自我审视的过程。成功的申请者注重策略,懂得把自己与那些有着差不多的GPA,TOEFL成绩,差不多的成就,奖励或人生经历的人区别 。那么申请美国硕士文书具体应该怎么写呢?小编为大家准备了文书范文分析,快来看看吧。Why did it work?1.an opening pne that draw people in(一个吸引人的开场白)2.detailed opening story (非常讲究细节的开场故事)3.turning a specific incident into a deeper insight (从一个特定的故事中洞悉更深层次的内容)4.using concrete examples when making abstract claims (使用抽象的说法时一定要运用实在的例子)5.using all bits of humor and casual word choice (不经意的运用一些小幽默)6.an ending that stretches the insight into the future(结尾要有对未来的展望)How could it be even better?1.replace some of the cpchéd language注意:口语化的词一定不能过多,要是用口语化的词一定要精心设计,使用的位置十分重要(如该篇文书中作者就在为了使父亲过于严厉的形象得到缓和的位置使用了口语化的词语,是比较合 的)。2.use another example from recent pfe注意:文书中使用的故事最好能做到呼应的效果Supplement Essays补充文书补充文书是什么?Extra essays that allow the colleges to learn even more about you.为什么要让你写补充文书?1.To see if you are an interesting person.2.To see if you are a good match for the school.补充文书书写建议:1.know the schools very well(website, educational mission, majors)注意:通过各种途径尽可能多的了解你要申请的大学,以及你要申请的专业的详情。(学校官网最为重要)2.consider that the overall character and focus of the school in relationship to your personal objects(how the school can support your goal)注意:除了了解学校,最主要的还是关于你自己为什么要申请该学校,该学校能为你带来什么,你的条件和你的要求是否和该学校match。美国大学申请文书应该怎样写?申请美国硕士文书有什么样的技巧?希望这篇美国申请文书写作范文分析能对你有所帮助




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