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来自网友在路上 134834提问 提问时间:2023-05-16 09:50:07阅读次数: 34

最佳答案 问答题库348位专家为你答疑解惑

1、The Pipa Player,读音英 #240#601 pa#618 pɑ#720 #712ple#618#601r 美 #240#601 pa#618 pɑ#720 #712ple#618#601rPipa读作#39pip#601n。


3、shrouded my eyes 使双眼迷茫的面纱退去,The folds that lay over me no longer lie 也退去了笼罩心灵的忧郁 It shines in your infinite smile 闪耀在你会心深长的微笑中It was like a gift floating down through th。

4、the screen becomes blurred and indistinct屏幕花屏指常见的屏幕有图像,图像上覆盖有点状片状马赛克干扰,造成此类故障的部位有逻辑板液晶屏电脑版的TTL或LVDS信号形成部分若手机出现花屏绿屏屏幕颜色不正等屏幕。

5、2 For years the teaching of acting has been shrouded in mystery多年以来表演教学一直蒙着神秘的面纱3 Soon they were dead, victims of a mysterious poisoner不久他们就死了,是一个神秘的投毒者下的手4。

6、神秘的英语意思 mystery 神秘的相关英语例句 1 Haley studied her, an enigmatic smile on his face黑利打量着她,脸上带着神秘的笑容2 For years the teaching of acting has been shrouded in mystery多年。

7、display 例句Without those trainings, I might not control the frequency successfully our screen might be shrouded by mess displays没有那些训练,我也许不会成功地控制频率,也许我们的液晶显示屏会乱显一气。

8、The whole country was shrouded in a blue funk!Panic set off the whole countryfunk 英f#652#331k 美f#652#331k, fu#331k n 惊恐 沮丧 懦夫 vt 因恐惧。

9、Autumn in the South also has its unique features, such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou, the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River, the mistshrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay Bu。

shrouded(shrouded怎么读) 第1张

10、亲爱的,我的生活被无数阴影笼罩翻译为英文是Darling, My life is shrouded in numberless shadows。

11、Look at the sun rises in the East and the golden It radiate brilliant light Our village is shining Let the beautiful flowers open together Ah, our beautiful village You#39re like a queen Shrouded in the。

12、1 each muscle,every fiber,every cell,was tired,tired numb 2 these illusions often emerge in the eyes of buck,and they are intertwined,and still deep in the forest the call of the ring3 a hear this vo。

13、the fields on the outing,mist shrouded with white yarnlike softly floating in the airSuck in the flowers of aromatic,Yan enjoy the sun bathing,I was drunk inside this dream intoxicatednight,I sat in。

shrouded(shrouded怎么读) 第2张

14、4,“树树含雨,山山带云”即“所有的树都被雨打湿而所有的山都笼罩在云里”= all trees around the lakes wet with rain and all mountains shrouded by clouds 5,“云梦大泽”即“云梦泽” ,是中国湖北省江汉平原上的古代湖泊。

15、Like apparitions from bygone days, Prague residents stroll across fogshrouded Charles Bridge, the local landmark that has served the city’s inhabitants since the 14th century 雾中的查理大桥,始建于14世纪,两。




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